
Plant Biology Major (HBSc)

Admissions Category: Life Sciences

Are you a prospective student applicant?

You can enter the to accelerate your career in a health care profession

Program Overview

The Major Program in Plant Biology provides a broad education in all areas of contemporary biology and affords students an opportunity to concentrate on Plant Biology courses in upper years. This program is suitable for students with an interest in biochemistry, biotechnology, cell biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, physiology, and/or development of plants.

Check out future career opportunities and skills acquired from completing this program:

Competencies & Skills

  • RESEARCH: Experimental design, data analysis using statistics, critical interpretation
  • VALUES: Be a strong advocate for science
  • COMMUNICATION: effectively use multiple formats (written, oral, poster, debate, multimedia)
  • PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY: Teamwork skills, meet deadlines and expectations, accept and provide constructive criticism, objectively evaluate the contributions of others
  • VALUES: Be a strong advocate for science

Careers for Graduates

  • Research Assistant (hospital, university, private)
  • Food Inspection Agencies (research, quality control)
  • Researcher-Public Health, Government Agencies
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Medical Supply Sales
  • Biopharmaceuticals (research, quality control)

Further Education

  • Graduate Studies
  • Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Optometry
  • Physical or Occupational Therapy
  • Teacher Education
  • Naturopathic or Chiropractic Medicine
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Radiology Technologist (MRI, CT)
  • Clinical Research
  • Epidemiology
  • Public Health & Public Policy

Program Pathway

Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4

Year 1
Choose Your Courses Wisely

BIOLOGY:, ,   0.5 credit from

CHEMISTRY:  , 3 or ,

0.5 credit from:  ,

Year 2
Choose Your Courses Wisely

BIOLOGY:,  , , ,


Year 3
Choose Your Courses Wisely


Third/ Fourth Year
7. 1.0 Credit of Additional C-level Courses

1.0 Credit of Additional C-level Courses from the following:

BIOLOGY: , , , , , , ,

Integrative Multimedia Documentary Project (CR/NCR 0.0 credit)

Year 4
Choose Your Courses Wisely

0.5 Credit of D-level Biology Courses

BIOLOGY: , , , , , ,