
Prepped: Afrocentric Leadership

Prepped Afrocentric Leadership illustrated image of three black students in front of toronto skyline

Prepped: Afrocentric Leadership鈥痠s a series of workshops that run throughout the academic year that supports African, Black and Caribbean-identifying students in navigating the university. Prepped workshops provide students with knowledge and resources to support academic and learning strategies as well as professional development tools while centering the Afrocentric principles of Kwanza's Nguzo Saba.

This program is CCR Recognized. 

Student Testimonials

I learnt a lot and I enjoyed the engaging Q&A session where I got to hear many experiences from students. Black people really need this safe space.

Overall, the discussion were eye-opening and life-changing.

The value of Black voices and Black contributions from a historical perspective, and how we, as students and leaders can build our own legacy and make meaningful change within our communities.