
New Media Studies: Student Testimonials

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid

Specialist: New Media Studies

What factors contributed to you choosing your program(s)?
I was always interested in design and had a passion for technology, this program brought together the best of both worlds.
What tips/advice can you provide to students just starting or considering this program(s)?


  1. Don鈥檛 give up! You're going to be learning something entirely new to you, it鈥檚 going to seem very challenging at first but believe me you will go a long way by putting in some effort and enduring.
  2. Be open and social, University is your opportunity to make friends for life as well as meeting the individuals who will be in your potential fields, be courteous, say 鈥渉i鈥 and make a good first impression.

What will you do with your degree after graduation?
My hopes are to go into the advertising industry, maybe work in public relations, I haven't chosen a direct path yet but I know that a lot of opportunities open up after you graduate.
What has your academic journey during your time been like as you progress toward graduation?

Adjusting to the university lifestyle isn't something that comes easily for everyone. My marks weren't the best in my early years but I realized around my third year that even though I wasn't doing so well, I was learning how to learn and manage my time, now I can confidently say that I am doing well and am on my way to graduating.


Ashwini Paradkar

Ashwini Paradkar

Specialist: New Media Studies
Minors: Economics and Psychology

What factors contributed to you choosing your program(s)?
I consider myself to be a people's person and I absolutely love the idea of a career that involves bringing out my creative side while interacting with the people around me. I chose the New Media program so that I can use these attributes of mine as well as acquire a whole new skill-set that'll help me venture into the world of Mass Media.

Can you describe your program(s)? What is it actually like?

As the name suggests, this program is a relatively new field and the only way to really capture the essence of it is through a practical approach. This program involves taking classes at Centennial College for one of the years which is where you get the most of the hands-on experience. You get to work with Cameras (and additional equipment) for some projects and they also teach you the fundamentals of digital communication (html, Java script) which I believe is a very important tool, today. Most of the grading is based on projects rather than exams and the projects could be either in groups or individually-based. I've just start my year at Centennial and although it's been just three weeks, I've already developed a great understanding of the media industry!

What tips/advice can you provide to students just starting or considering this program(s)?
The pre-requisites for this program are usually more theoretical and textbook based as opposed to the practical work done later at Centennial. So, my only advice to all the young and budding media enthusiasts is to not be discouraged by the earlier courses and to look forward to the program. If you truly want to work in the media industry, this is a great opportunity for you!

What will you do with your degree after graduation? (Future plans?)
I plan to continue my education further and do my Masters in either 3-D modeling or digress a little into Marketing/Advertising.

What has your academic journey during your time been like as you progress toward graduation?

I'm currently in my third year which also happens to be my year at Centennial College. I took a lot of electives during my first two years since I was still a bit confused as to what I wanted to do. With that being said, there were obviously courses that I disliked and courses that I liked. Most of the courses that I liked happened to be pre-requisites of either New Media, Psychology or Economics which led me to decide my major and minors.