
Glossary of Acronyms

  • AA&CC - Academic Advising & Career Centre
  • ACM - Arts, Culture, and Media
  • ACMSA - Arts, Culture and Media Student Association
  • AMACSS - Association of Mathematical and Computer Science Students
  • APS - Association of Philosophy Students
  • ARW - Alternative Reading Week
  • BioSA - Biology Students Association
  • CCR - Co-Curricular Record
  • CLNx - Career & Co-Curricular Learning Network
  • CSA - Chemistry Students Association 
  • CSU - Chemistry Society
  • CTL - Centre for Teaching & Learning
  • DSL - Department of Student Life
  • ECO - EnviroCare Organization
  • EDA - Equity & Diversity in the Arts
  • EPSA - Environmental & Physical Sciences Students’ Association 
  • ESA - The Ecological Society of America
  • FDSA - French Department Student Association 
  • F.L.I.P. - First Year Learning & Integration Program
  • GAS - Global Asia Studies
  • GCSA - Geography & City Studies Student Association
  • HCSSA - Historial & Cultural Studies Student Association
  • HOSA - Health Occupation Students of America 
  • HSSA - Health and Society Students’ Association
  • ISC - International Student Centre
  • iSPEAC - invited Speakers in Physics, Environmen-tal science, And Chemistry
  • LifeEPSA - Environmental and Physical Sciences Students’ Association
  • LSA – Linguistics Student Association
  • LSOU - Law Society of UTSC
  • MT - Master of Teaching 
  • NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
  • PNDA - Psychology and Neuroscience Departmental Association
  • PSSA - Political Science Student Association
  • SCSU - Scarborough Campus Students’ Union
  • SELF - Students of English Literature and Film
  • TRCA - Toronto Regional Conservation Authority
  • TSCPA – Translation Studies & Career Path Association
  • WGSSA - Women’s and Gender Studies Student Assoc.
  • WST - Women’s and Gender Studies