
Environmental Biology: Student Testimonials

Kanika Kaura

Kanika Kaura

Specialist: Environmental Biology

What factors contributed to you choosing your program(s)?

I love being in nature and I have a passion for sustainability and innovation. I wanted to study something that is a growing and modern.
Can you describe your program(s)? What is it actually like?
I will be going into my third year this September. This specialist is quite heavy and has a wide range of courses that fall under environmental science. There are quite a few lab courses to take in your first and second year. Overall the concepts are interesting and evolving. Tutorials are great for real-life application purposes of concepts learned.
What tips/advice can you provide to students just starting or considering this program(s)?
The first year of this program is very general. Introduction to environmental science (EESA01) is a course requirement and it is a great course to get an indicator of whether or not you will enjoy studying environmental science in more depth. Calculus, physics and chemistry are all courses that only need to be taken in first year so if they are not your greatest strength don't let that stop you from choosing this growing program!
What will you do with your degree after graduation? (Future plans?)
I plan on continuing my education by doing a master in environmental science or ecology. I am still unsure whether I want my career to be more research based or regulations based.
What has your academic journey during your time been like as you progress toward graduation?
My first and second year have been pretty smooth. There was less class, tutorial and lab hours in second year which allowed me to have more time to study. I also went on a Field Camp trip (EESC16) at the end of my second year which was an amazing experience because I got to travel Canada and meet people in my program who I have seen around campus but never had the chance to talk to or get to know.