
Company Research

Why Do You Need to Research?

  • To help you write an effective resume and cover letter that is tailored to each employer’s wishes and needs
  • To assist you in preparing for an interview
  • To stand out from your competition

What do you need to know?

  • What are the organization’s mission, values and goals?
  • Who are their clients?
  • What are their strengths?
  • What is it like to work there? What types of employees succeed?
  • What are the biggest challenges that the organization faces?
  • What labour market and industry trends are affecting them?

Reviewing Company Websites

Company websites have a wealth of information. Useful sections:

  • Careers – Review the types of positions and any employment policies. Some companies have separate pages for recruiting post-secondary students
  • About Us – Does the company have a mission statement? Do they discuss corporate values? Are there profiles of senior management?
  • News – Has the company eng aged in new projects? Are they expanding to new markets?


  • On-Campus Events – The best way to learn about an organization is to speak with someone who works there. Information sessions and job fairs are advertised on the Career Learning Network (CLN)
  • CLN Resources – Access an online collection of employer and industry directories via cln.utoronto.ca (under Resources)
  • Industry Canada –
  • Search Engines – Use your favourite search engine to find articles about potential employers
  • University of Toronto Libraries -

Using LinkedIn to Research Companies and Industries

LinkedIn can be a great source of information for you to research employers.

  • Follow organizations of interest – If the organization has a LinkedIn page, you can review job listings, company information, and recent news.
  • Use the Advanced Search Function – Some of your contacts may be working at the organization or have worked there before. They can be a great source of information for you.
  • Join LinkedIn groups – There are groups in virtually every industry where you can learn about industry trends and network with professionals. Job openings are often posted in groups.

How do I use this company information?

  • Look for matches in skills and qualities they hire for, and you! Use these words and concepts in your applications and interviews
  • Connect the company’s recent projects with your interests from school, work, or volunteering in your cover letter and resume


Visit the AA&CC for further assistance.

Last update: Septmeber 2014