
Career Options after French

What is French?

French at UTSC explores the rich literatures and cultures of French Canada, France and the Francophone world. The program aims at cumulative acquisition of written and spoken French and reading/listening comprehension. It examines:

  • Structural/ socio-cultural differences between French and English
  • Understanding of French speech sounds, words, sentences, meaning and discourse, and their relations to society
  • Concepts/techniques for literary analysis
  • Diverse francophone social, historical, political, intellectual and aesthetic worlds

What makes French at UTSC unique?

An exciting range of opportunities to study abroad!
Visit and for details!

Skills of French Grads

  • Articulate and apply grammatical and syntactic rules
  • Communicate effectively in written environments
  • Interpret and translate texts
  • Read, write, listen and speak in French
  • Revise and edit documents
  • Research information in new areas
  • Summarize ideas
  • Understand customs and traditions
  • Understand the structure of languages

Entry-Level Jobs for Bachelor Grads

Common employment destinations include:

  • Service/Sales Consultant in Business
  • Foreign Service Officer and Immigration Officer in Government Services
  • Translator in Technical Writing
  • Tour Operator in Travel and Leisure Services
  • Research Associate in Publishing
  • Donor Relations Coordinator in Charities
  • Case Manager in Social Services
  • Communications Assistant in Public Relations
  • Market Research Analyst in Marketing Agencies
  • Human Resource Assistant in Business

French Grads from UTSC have gone on to:

  • Service Canada (Service Officer)
  • Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs (Advisor)
  • Legal Aid Ontario (Law Intern)

UTSC French graduates are working in Education, Sales, and Media.

Graduate & Professional Studies

Popular further education opportunities include:

  • French Literature or Linguistics – Master of Arts
  • Translation – Master of Arts
  • Speech Language Pathology – Master
  • Education – Bachelor or Master
  • Law School – JD (Juris Doctor)
  • Paralegal Studies – Diploma
  • Human Resources – Certificate (earning CHRP)
  • Marketing – Post-Graduate Certificate

Examples of Fields that ‘Fit’ the Skills of French Grads

  • Magazine/Newspaper Publishing Firms
  • Government (Federal, Provincial, Regional, City)
  • Business Services
  • Travel and Tourism, Hotels
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Education
  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Law / Legal Services

Your 4-Year Career Exploration Action Plan

1. Do Your Research

The databases below provide you with details about job prospects, nature of work, educational requirements, working conditions, pay and related career paths:

  • ​Career Cruising: Log into , click on Resources, and click on Career Cruising to be logged in automatically
  • O*Net: (U.S. site)

Attend our workshop Discover Your Skills and Career Options, meet with a Career Counsellor, and use our resources to get to know your skills, values, personality and interests.

Use the advice on our tip sheets for gathering information:

  • Information Interviews
  • Working On-Campus
  • Internships
  • Volunteering

2. Explore Career Options & Get Experience

Gain exposure to your options in the world of work and make connections while you’re a student via campus events and programs listed on and :

Apply for Work Study jobs in CLN in Fall and Spring! You might also find work via the .

Find networking opportunities, internship programs and entry-level jobs via websites like and .

As an upper year student (14+ credits), attend UTSC’s Get Hired conference and participate in Jobs for Grads.

As a graduate, explore internships and other trainee programs like .

3.Build Your Network

Explore Professional Associations and get involved: volunteer for their events and conferences, and get to know people in your industry of interest. These are your future mentors, supervisors and colleagues!

Other associations and websites for finding networking opportunities and experience include:

Please note: This document is a starting point for your further research into career options in this field of study. For more information on this program and course requirements, please visit the website at the top of the first page.