
Breadth Requirements

UTSC students, who began their studies in Fall 2010 or later, must complete breadth requirements as part of their degree in order to graduate.

What is the purpose of breadth requirements?

The aim of breadth requirements is to help students gain knowledge and understanding across a broader range of disciplines; it enables them to develop insight, experience, and new ways of thinking in areas distinct from their main fields of study.

How do you meet breadth requirements?

Within their 20 credits, students must complete a half-credit (0.5) from each of the following categories:

  • Arts, Literature, and Language
  • Natural Sciences
  • History, Philosophy, and Cultural Studies
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Social and Behavioural Sciences

There is a wide range of courses that you can choose from when meeting breadth requirements. In fact, most courses fulfill a breadth requirement and as long as you meet a course鈥檚 pre-requisites and co-requisites, you may take it. We encourage you to explore your options since there are many A-level and B-level courses outside your Subject POSts that you can take.

Breadth Requirements: Collect All Five!

The table below provides an example of how a student in the Psychology Specialist program can organize their courses to meet breadth requirements. The table also provides a space for you to organize your courses to determine which courses fit into a particular breadth requirement category. 

Determine which breadth requirements you will be able to complete with your program requirements first, then you can complete the rest by using your electives. Refer to the course descriptions in the UTSC Calendar to learn which breadth requirement a course fulfills.

Search for courses using the .

Breadth RequirementExampleYour Program(s) of Study
Arts, Literature & LanguageENGB12 | Life Writing
History, Philosophy, & Cultural StudiesPSYC84 | Psychology & the Scientific Mind 
Natural SciencesPSYA01 | Introductory Psychology: Part I 
Social and Behavioural SciencesPSYA02 | Introductory Psychology: Part II 
Quantitative ReasoningPSYB07 | Data Analysis in Psychology 

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a course classified as a breadth requirement?
Based on the course content, every course (with the exception of some D-level courses) have been pre-determined by faculty and staff of a given department to fit the best breadth requirement.

Do I need to complete all of my breadth requirements in my first year?

No, you do not. In fact, they do not need to be taken all at once either (e.g. all in one semester). They can be taken throughout your degree.

How can I have my D-level courses fulfill breadth requirement since not all D-level courses fulfill breadth requirement?

Some D-level courses are not assigned a breadth requirement because they may be research courses, or you and your supervising professor determine their content collaboratively. If you wish to consider a D-level course as a breadth requirement you may ask your professor and program supervisor for this approval.

What other courses meet the quantitative reasoning breadth requirement besides Math and Statistics?

CSCA08 and CSCA20 (Computer Science), GGRA30 (Geography) PHLB50 (Philosophy), POLB11 (Political Science) and PSYB07 (Psychology) are just some examples; review the UTSC Calendar to find more. Additionally, MATA02 (The Magic of Numbers) is available for students with limited experience in math or statistics. Remember, there are resources on campus such as the Math and Statistics Learning Centre () to assist your learning in quantitative reasoning courses.

If I want my specified or unspecified transfer credits to fulfill breadth requirements, what is the procedure?

Since transfer credits can be used for degree and program requirements, they may also be used for breadth requirements. Most specified transfer credits will have been assigned a category in your transfer credit assessment letter. If the category has not been assigned, kindly contact the Office of the Registrar to complete the form, 鈥淏readth Requirement Category - Request for Assignment鈥 found on the Office of the Registrar鈥檚 website and submit to them for approval.

I am planning to take a course at another campus, and I am not sure which breadth requirement category it will satisfy. What do I do?

On the Office of the Registrar's website, there is a form called 鈥淏readth Requirement Category 鈥 Request for Assignment鈥. Please complete this form and submit to the Office of Registrar for approval.

Can I use a CR/NCR course for a breadth requirement?

Yes, CR/NCR courses can be used to meet breadth requirements.

For more information:
Visit the Academic Advising & Career Centre AC213 鈥 aacc@utsc.utoronto.ca 鈥 416-287-7561 鈥

While every effort attempt was made to provide accurate information on this tipsheet, information may change at any time.