
Suiting Up For A Day At TDI

bunch of people in formal outfits smiling at the TD office

“There’s no better feeling than wearing a suit in the morning”, at least that’s how one of the participants for the in-person job shadowing session at TD Towers felt

Standing at a staggering 730 ft, TD Towers felt less intimidating due to the comforting and relaxed environment created by our two Job Shadowing hosts Nora and Cindy. Starting with introductions and icebreakers, it was not long before we felt part of the TDI Team —  though the office tour along with cappuccinos, really sealed the deal. 

Before the much-awaited mini project, our hosts briefly delved into their career journeys; highlighting how one’s career trajectory does not always align with the subjects studied in a university or other self-imposed limitations. They also stressed the importance of emotional intelligence in the corporate world and refining one’s people skills. That enlightening chat then led to a pizza party with a breathtaking view. 

All fueled up, we were ready for the mini-project. The task was affiliated with actual challenges faced by TDI i.e. ways of increasing employee engagement in the wake of more relaxed COVID regulations. Divided into groups of 3, we were tasked with creating and presenting a few ways in which employees could be incentivized to work in - person. Combining creativity, critical thinking, and brainstorming ideas with the team made this a challenging yet exciting activity. We received constructive feedback on the plausibility of implementing these ideas. 

Finally, the day had come to an end. We took group pictures to remember these wonderful experiences and were inspired to return one day, as colleagues.  

Written By: Aditya Shiv Talwar