
Denton Wong's In The Field, Ottawa Experience

Ottawa parliament building on top of the hill

Our two-day, one-night adventure in Ottawa was truly unforgettable! The journey began with a fascinating tour of the Museum of History in Gatineau, Quebec, where we delved into the rich history of Canada, particularly focusing on the lives and cultures of Indigenous peoples.

After the museum visit, we crossed the Ottawa River and settled into our hotel. Thanks to UTSC, each of us had our own cozy room. Dressed in our finest attire, we eagerly looked forward to our meeting with political staffers from the Government of Canada. The evening also offered us a chance to mingle and network over a delightful buffet dinner. Later on, we took a leisurely nighttime walk to admire the beauty of the capital city.

On the next day, we visited Parliament Hill. The architecture was majestic, and the interior designs of the buildings were nothing short of noble and awe-inspiring. 

During our visit, we were privileged to meet The Honourable Greg Fergus, the Speaker of the House of Commons, in his office. He warmly greeted each of us, shared insights about his role, and patiently answered our inquiries. The experience of interacting with such a prominent figure was truly unexpected and thrilling!

In the afternoon, we had the incredible opportunity to witness a live Question Period session in-person. The intensity of the debates between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre, the leader of the Official Opposition, exceeded all our expectations, making the experience even more captivating.

All in all, our trip to Ottawa provided us with a unique and insightful glimpse into the inner workings of the Canadian federal government, leaving us with lasting memories and valuable knowledge. I can't wait for the next journey with AA&CC!

Written By: Denton Wong

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