
Art Resources

Khan Academy

Library of video tutorial, including interactive challenges, assessments, and videos from any computer with access to the web.

Art Wilson Index

The Art Wilson Index has abstracts and links to full articles regarding specific art pieces and art theory. Access to this is granted through U of T Library Website.


Jstor is a search engine used for finding articles and images from several prominent art magazines.  It is a great resource for information and accessible through U of T Libraries.

Oxford Art Index

The Oxford Art Index has links to articles, citations, and theoretical information useful for writing papers or supplementing information from lectures. This is a great site for finding references for assignments. Access to this is granted through U of T Library Website.

Federated Academic Digital Imaging System (FADIS)

FADIS is a database that gives you access to thousands of online art images and archives. Access is granted through U of T Libraries. 

Art History Resources

An online database, accessible to anyone, this site contains links to information about prehistoric art to current theories. This site can be used for interest only or to kick start more in-depth research on a specific topic or era.

National Gallery of Canada

A great site for examples of North American art, specifically Canadian and Aboriginal art, it is a very informative website.

Royal Ontario Museum

Located steps from St. George Campus, this is a world renowned museum worth visiting for any student.


International Gallery Websites can be used to search for images for a specific piece, to get information or ideas to use for assignments, or for general information. This is a list of several commonly accessed websites.

National Gallery of U.S.A – Washington

National Gallery U.K.

The Louvre, France

Exhibition Catalogues are also available at U of T Libraries across campuses. Speak to any Professors and Course Coordinators for advice and access to further resources.


The Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) 

The AGO website, aside from hosting information on how to visit the informative Art Gallery of Ontario, also highlights some collections in focus that change on a periodic basis. These collections offer different resources, such as the Marvin Gelber Print & Drawing Study Centre and their library, consisting of over 380,000 volumes of archives. 


UTSC Research Guides  

Research advice, useful tools, and the best resources for your subject needs  by U of T librarians. Search the guides written specifically for your course at UofT.