

Residence fees are charged to your financial account in  when your room has been assigned. Fees are charged per session (Fall, Winter, Summer), and must be paid in full by the deadlines indicated below. 

Please note: All deposits must be paid in , but the remainder of your fees are charged in . Deposits paid in StarRez will appear as credits in your ACORN account. Once residence fees are charged, they will be applied against those charges. Until residence fees are charged, the deposit credits will be reflected in your overall account balance, so you must take this into account when calculating how much you actually owe for tuition and non-tuition charges.

You can make payments to your financial account in ACORN through a Canadian bank via a teller, bank machine or online banking. You will need your account and student numbers from your invoice. You can also make payments online via  using VISA or Mastercard (a 2.50% convenience fee applies).

Further instructions on making a fee payment in ACORN are available on the University of Toronto's 

Please keep in mind that program tuition fee charges and other non-tuition charges are posted to a  in ACORN before residence fees are charged. Payments made to ACORN will be applied to the oldest charges per session first. You are not able to direct payment to specific items on your ACORN account. This may mean that any payments intended for residence fees may be applied to your program tuition fees first.  Plan to make your payments well before the deadlines to avoid incurring service charges on your ACORN account.

: Outstanding balances on the ACORN financial account are charged on the 15th of every month at a monthly rate of 1.5% compounded (19.56% per annum) until paid in full. 

Fee Deadlines

Fall/Winter Sessions (All First Year students; Fall/Winter Upper Year & Exchange students)

  • Fall fees: By September 30
  • Winter fees: By November 30

All First Year residence contracts are for both the Fall & Winter sessions from September to April. Your residence fees for the Fall sessions will be charged to your ACORN account by late August/September, depending on the room type assigned. After submission of your 1st and 2nd deposit, the balance of the Fall session fees are due by September 30. The Winter session fees will also be charged to your account in late August/September and are due in full by November 30.



Fall Only Session (Upper Year / Exchange Students Only)

  • Fall fees: By September 30

If you are registered for the Fall Only session, your residence fees will be charged by late August/September after your room assignment has been completed and must be paid in full by September 30.


Winter Only Session

  • Winter fees: By January 31

If you are registered for the Winter Only session, your residence fees will be posted in mid-December and must be paid in full by January 31.


Summer session

  • Full summer session stays: By May 15 or by the 15th of the month of move in/when the charges are applied
  • Shorter-term summer session stays: By the 15th of the month of move in/when the charges are applied