
Get Involved

Photo of residence students attending Residence Orientation Welcome in August 2019.

Get Involved

Residence Life Team (RLT) -> Residence Life Student Saff (RLSS)

The residence community is enriched through the peer-to-peer support residents receive. Are you someone who is interested in building community, supporting students in their transition to university, and has the passion for program facilitation?  JOIN OUR TEAM!

We are currently hiring for the following RLSS roles for the 2024-2025 academic year. Visit our Job Posting webpage for more information and the application process.

Community Advisors (CAs)

CAs are experienced RLSS responsible for facilitating residence wide programming that supports our residence curriculum and student development.  CAs develop programming to address community interest, residence trends and needs. Reporting to the Residence Life Coordinator, this live-in position is essential in community engagement through their skills in communication, conflict resolution, relationship building and leadership.

Residence Advisors (RAs)

RAs are upper year student role models within the residence community. They foster relationships through their skills in active listening, communication, and programming. This live-in position is fundamental in promoting responsible behavior, respect, and inclusive excellence within residence. RAs facilitate small community centered programming and provides after hours on-call support for residence emergencies.

Living Learning Advisors (LLAs)

LLAs are upper year students responsible for community development within one of our three Living Learning Communities.  Their strong skills in creativity, student engagement and program development help foster a cohesive and engaged residence community. Reporting to the Residence Life Coordinator, this live-in position assess and creates programming to address community needs and provides after hours on-call support for residence emergencies.


Living Learning Communities

What is a Living Learning Community?

Living Learning Communities (LLCs) are designed to connect students living in residence who share common interests and to extend opportunities for learning beyond the classroom. LLCs provide opportunities for students to get involved within their residence community, while connecting with peers, faculty, and staff. UTSC Residence Living Learning Communities include Creative Expressions LLC, Health & Wellbeing LLC, and Sustainability LLC

 LLC Photo 1

  • The Creative Expressions LLC is focused on connecting residents with an interest in music, dance, visual arts, creative writing, spoken word, and theatre to name a few. Members of this LLC will have the chance to share their creative passion with their peers while exploring opportunities to integrate the arts in their academic learning. 

    LLC Photo 2

  • The Health & Wellbeing LLC is designed for residents with an interest in holistic wellness and wish to live their best life in all forms of wellbeing.  If you have an interest  for self-discovery, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and personal growth, this is the LLC for you. 

  LLC Photo 3

  • Sustainability LLC aims to support residents with a desire to improve and learn more about local and global sustainability challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and justice. This LLC is for those who are dedicated to acting locally to evoke global change.


Goals of Living Learning Communities

UTSC Residence Life offers Living Learning Communities to help students achieve the following goals:

  • Academic Success: we help students identify and strive to achieve realistic and tangible goals that contribute to their overall academic effort
  • Find a sense of belonging: we help students feel connected at UTSC and provide opportunities for active engagement within the campus and Scarborough community
  • Personal Development: we encourage students to problem solve, think critically, accept responsibility for one鈥檚 actions, and learn and grow from challenging experiences


Why should you join a Living Learning Community?

As a part of the LLC, you will participate in events and workshops related to your LLC theme to build your knowledge and to connect with peers and campus partners on this subject. Alongside your community members, you will work on a community project to promote creative expressions, health and wellbeing, and sustainability within the campus and/or greater community. At the end of the academic year, you will receive a credit towards your co-curricular record.

During the academic term, you will have the opportunity to engage in programming tailored to your Living Learning Community. The programs will focus on any of our 5 learning goals:

  • Personal Wellness
    • Develop strategies to support their wellness.
    • Apply skills to manage challenges in healthy and productive ways
  • Life Skills
    • Understand the various resources and services that can support their student experience.
    • Develop strategies to manage everyday independent living situations
  • Community Engagement 
    • Understand how to participate in their community meaningfully and responsibly.
    •  Demonstrate the ability to consider multiple perspectives when interacting with others.
  • Social Responsibility 
    • Develop strategies to address systemic barriers to equity and inclusion.
    • Engage critically with social justice issues that impact themselves and others in ways that are meaningful for them.
  • Academic Achievement 
    • Create an academic network of peers, faculty, and campus support services.
    • Exhibit a growth-oriented and optimistic attitude towards academic challenges.

To earn full credits towards the CCR, you must complete a final cumulative project and earn 12 points simply by attending 12 programs in total with a minimum of 2 points from each learning goal.

How to Join an LLC?

Residents of the Living Learning community must be engaged citizens who positively influence their peers' development and support. Each LLC has specific admission requirements and criteria.

If you are interested in applying for one of our Living Learning Community Program, you will need to complete the Residence Leaving Learning Community section within the online residence application, and answer LLC specific questions.

The applications for next semester will open in March.

  • Students who are selected to live in a Living Learning Community will be in a dedicated area around residence
  • Students living in an LLC will have the option of single and shared bedroom units. If you wish to live with a specific housemate, they also must be participating in an LLC program. Follow the instructions in the 鈥淗ousemate Request鈥 section of StarRez Portal 
  • Students in LLC programs will be matched with LLC housemates with the same gender rooming preference (Mixed Gender, Same Gender Men or Same Gender Women) 

Please note that space is limited within Living Learning Communities. Indicating interest is not a guarantee that you will be assigned to a Living Learning Community. Students will be selected based on the quality of their application. To be eligible for a Living Learning Community, you must meet residence eligibility requirements and application deadlines. 

How to Contact Us?

Please send an email to residence.utsc@utoronto.ca if you have any additional inquiries regarding living learning communities. 


Student Housing Advisory Committee

The Student Housing Advisory Committee (SHAC) provides residence students with the opportunity to share their opinions and ideas with Student Housing & Residence Life at UTSC. This committee is critical in providing feedback on matters that include services, resources, programming, policies, budget, and departmental priorities.


The committee is composed of the following people:

  • Two UTSC Residence Council representatives
  • Four first-year residence student representatives
  • Two upper-year residence student representative
  • One graduate student representative
  • One Residence Life Team representative (e.g., Resident Advisor, Living Learning Advisor, etc.)



If you鈥檙e interested, submit a nomination on the , no later than Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 @ 11:59pm.



The committee begins in October and ends in March. The first four meetings are once a week, afterward meetings will occur once a month or as needed.

1.      Meeting #1 鈥 Week of Oct. 14 鈥 exact date/time to be determined with committee

2.      Meeting #2 鈥 Week of Oct. 21 鈥 exact date/time to be determined with committee

3.      Meeting #3 鈥 Week of Oct. 28 鈥 exact date/time to be determined with committee

4.      Meeting #4 鈥 Week of Nov. 4 鈥 exact date/time to be determined with committee

Future meetings will be scheduled on a monthly or as needed basis