

To request a room change or withdraw from residence after Move In Day, please email the Residence office. You will be required to book a meeting with Residence staff to discuss your request.


Residence Room Change Request form

Students who have room changes approved will be charged a $250 room change fee. This fee consists of a $100 administrative fee as well as a $150 room cleaning and maintenance fee. If a room change is requested due to a housemate concern, students must follow the steps outlined in the Residence Guide prior to being considered for a room change. 

Please email Student Housing and Residence Life at residence.utsc@utoronto.ca to request access to this form.

Students who have a room change approved are responsible for any extra fees pertaining to changing room types. For example, single bedrooms are charged at a higher rate. Students moving from a shared bedroom to a single bedroom will be responsible to pay the rate pertaining to that room style.

Please note that room change requests are not being processed at this time and will resume on September 30.


Withdrawal from Residence form

Students who withdraw from residence after Move In Day are responsible for a percentage of the full Residence Agreement fees as per the chart within the Withdrawal form. A withdrawal fee of $700 is also applied. Students must complete the Withdrawal form and book a meeting with the Residence office to discuss their withdrawal. The form must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the anticipated move out date. Failure to do so will result in a $400 late notice administrative fee. 

Please email Student Housing and Residence Life at residence.utsc@utoronto.ca to request access to this form. 

First Year students enrolled in the mandatory all access meal plan are also subject to the withdrawal fees outlined in the Residence Meal Plan agreement.


Withdrawal from Summer Residence form

Students who withdraw from residence after Summer Move In Day are responsible for the time they have spent in residence, calculated at the nightly rate as per the rates within the Withdrawal form. A withdrawal fee of $700 is also applied. The form must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the anticipated move out date. Failure to do so will result in a $400 late notice administrative fee.


Additional forms

The following forms or sign ups are completed on the When they are made available, they can be found under the "Manage My Housing" tab:

  • Move In Appointment sign up
  • Winter Break form
  • Summer Transition Period stay form
  • Fall Transition Period stay form
  • Move Out Appointment sign up