
Be a Good Neighbour

Introduce yourself and be friendly
Try to make a point of meeting your neighbours. Wave and say hello when you see them and stop to say a few words. Offers to help will score big time: perhaps rake leaves or clean the snow now and then from a neighbour's sidewalk.
Follow parking and traffic rules
Parking can be a real problem. Plan on having only as many vehicles as you have proper parking spaces. Parking is not allowed on sidewalks, lawns, within 3 metres of fire hydrants, or 9 metres from a crosswalk or intersection - all are illegal and subject to fines by the City of Toronto. Play it safe – slow down in residential areas.
Follow garbage/recycling schedules and rules
If your landlord doesn't tell you what day garbage pick-up is on, you can ask your neighbours or call the City. Only put out your garbage on the specified days. For more information about garbage and recycling pick-up in Toronto, see
Take care of your yard
Be clear on whose responsibility it is to shovel snow and cut the lawn - yours or your landlord’s? If it is your responsibility to do the work, ask your landlord to provide you with the necessary tools to do so (eg. Lawn mower and shovel). Do the work in a timely fashion to avoid complaints from neighbours, or even a notice from the by-law office. Toronto by-law requires that snow and ice be cleared from sidewalks within 12 hours of a snowfall, and that grass be no longer that 20 centimeters in height.
Use some discretion
Your neighbours may be offended by casual swearing, drinking alcohol, or too much physical closeness, on your porch or front lawn or in a public area. So, consideration is recommended – please move indoors. A friendly warning: Liquor License Act prohibitions mean that you can be charged for having open alcohol in your possession while on your front lawn or in the stairwell of an apartment.
Keep it quiet
It’s always important to be mindful of your noise levels, and the impact that loud noises may have on your neighbors. Avoid loud singing, chanting, yelling, slamming doors, honking your car horn, and playing loud music in the yard, especially at night.
Party responsibily
If you’re having a party, let your neighbours know. They may be more understanding if you don’t surprise them. Limit the number of guests and keep the party inside after 11 p.m. Plan parking for your friends, and clean up afterwards. It is illegal for you to exchange alcohol for money in any way, so avoid this if you don’t want a permanent criminal record.
Handle problems politely
If you’re a good neighbour, it’s not likely that you’ll meet an unfriendly reaction. But if you do, it probably means your neighbours have had a problem in the past, so just be polite and make sure their experience with you will help change their minds. If your neighbours have a complaint about you, listen, try to see it from their perspective, and change whatever you can.