
Work Term Excellence Award: Adelaide Allakhverdiyeva

Adelaide Allakhverdiyeva

“I have been welcomed to share my ideas and have my voice heard.”

– Adelaide Allakhverdiyeva, Co-op Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Candidate 2023, ϲʿӿ
Congratulations to Adelaide, recipient of a Management Co-op Work Term Excellence Award for her contributions at Intuit in Winter 2022!

How did you get hired at Intuit?

Intuit logo
In the search of my final Management Co-op work term, I was scouring through LinkedIn for a position in digital marketing when I found the job posting. The job description really spoke to me, so I just knew I had to apply. When I was invited to interview, I absolutely loved the atmosphere, and later I would learn that the same energy is present everywhere at Intuit. Later the same day my soon-to-be-manager, Siobhan McCarthy, emailed me an offer. I was so happy and excited to get started.

What was the most impactful project you worked on? 

Towards the end of my work term, I was given an assignment to analyze our past year’s performance within the email marketing channel and lead planning for the next year. It was my first-ever opportunity to take the lead on a project from start to finish, and my first time presenting my own ideas and recommendations to the whole team. Throughout this project, my supervisor Krista Best continuously encouraged me to think out of the box and seek opportunities for innovation. As a co-op student, I have been welcomed to share my ideas and have my voice heard. 

Walk us through your best day on the job. 

Thinking back, it has to be the day when the whole team returned to the office. Having started my co-op placement during the later stages of the lockdown, I spent the majority of my term working from home; however, in the summer, our whole team had a chance to connect in person. We’ve had many memorable conversations that made working in marketing at Intuit so special to me.

Why should a high school student choose to apply to the Management Co-op program at ϲʿӿ? 

I can confidently say that the skills I’ve developed over the past four years have helped shape who I am today. The Management Co-op program inspires you to pursue your goals and be part of an inclusive community that will support you every step of the way. After graduation, I want to continue my journey within marketing. I think that’s something the BBA degree and my field of choice have in common: the push for constant challenge and continuous improvement.

The tagline of our program is Experience to Lead. What does that mean to you? 

It means moving forward despite any challenges that come your way, taking them as a learning opportunity and a chance for growth. It’s the way we connect with individuals all around us and learn from their experiences too, inspiring each other along the way.