
Certificate in Business

The Certificate in Business is a part-time program designed to provide students with the skills they need to function as managers in today's rapidly changing workplace. The program also gives students who already have degrees in other fields of study an opportunity to focus on business studies. In addition, courses in the program can be used towards various professional designations.

Download the application form (PDF) for the Certificate in Business program. Please note that current U of T students are not eligible to apply.

For the most part, admission requirements, academic regulations and services that apply to degree students apply also to Certificate in Business students taking courses in the Department of Management. This page is intended to supplement the information in the , identifying areas where special rules apply (e.g. the requirements of the Certificate in Business and the rules governing overall standing in the program) and pointing to parts of the Calendar that are of particular importance in the programs.

Qualifications for the Certificate in Business

In the context of the certificate requirements, the word "course" refers to one full course or two half-courses.

Students in this program must complete the following in order to qualify for the Certificate in Business:

  1. Pass 6.0 full credits in Management and Economics for Management Studies, including [MGEA01H3/(ECMA01H3) & MGEA05H3/(ECMA05H3)] or [MGEA02H3/(ECMA04H3) & MGEA06H3/(ECMA06H3)], MGTA01H3/(MGTA03H3), & MGTA02H3/(MGTA04H3).
  2. Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00.

Admission Requirements for the Certificate in Business

  1. Applications are to be submitted directly to Audrey Harwood, Department of Management, Office IC 240, 澳门六合彩开奖接口, 1095 Military Trail, Scarborough, Ontario, M1C 1A4.
  2. Application forms for the program are available online or in IC 240. The primary objective in the admission process is to ensure that successful applicants have backgrounds that offer a good chance of success. Since both programs concentrate on business, special attention is given to work experience particularly in the case of applicants who are borderline in terms of educational background.
  3. The application deadlines for the Certificate in Business outlined below under Application Deadlines.
  4. There is an initial non-refundable application fee of $60.
  5. Once admitted, Certificate in Business students follow the general registration procedures published each year by the . After their initial registration, they are automatically eligible to register in future sessions (provided, of course, they remain in good standing). However, if they take some time off and want to return after an absence of three or more consecutive sessions (at least 12 months), they must reactivate their enrolment by submitting an "Application to Re-enrol" to the Department of Management (Audrey Quirion, IC 240). At this stage there is a re-enrolment fee, which is currently set at $25.

Application Deadlines

Fall 2023July 7, 2023
Winter 2024November 3, 2023
Summer 2024March 29, 2024

Graduation with Honours

澳门六合彩开奖接口 Certificate in Business students will graduate with honours if their cumulative grade point average is 3.20 or better.

Students who complete the Certificate in Business Program, graduate with other 澳门六合彩开奖接口 students at either the Spring Convocation (held in mid-June) or at the Fall Convocation (held in late November). Students completing their last course in the Program and who intend to take part in the next convocation must notify the Registrar's Office of their intention either through ROSI's Line or  website or on a confirmation of graduation form (available from Registrarial Services - Room AA142) by February 15 for the Spring Convocation or July 31 for the Fall Convocation.

Overall Standing

Grade Point Averages

  • A grade point average (GPA) is calculated as follows: the grade points earned in each full course and one-half the grade points earned in each half course are added together and this total is divided by the number of full courses (or equivalent) taken.
  • A sessional grade point average is calculated on the basis of all courses taken in a given session (Fall, Winter, or Summer) that have a grade point value.
  • An annual grade point average is calculated on the basis of all courses taken in the Fall/Winter sessions (September-May) that have a grade point value.
  • A cumulative grade point average is calculated on the basis of all courses taken that have a grade point value.

The following grade point averages are calculated for all students at the end of each session and are shown on the student's transcript:

  • Summer Session (May to August) - Sessional and cumulative GPA
  • Fall Session (September to December) - Sessional and cumulative GPA
  • Winter Session (January to May) - Sessional, annual and cumulative GPA

Determination of Academic Status

Academic status is determined at the end of each Winter Session and at the end of each Summer Session as follows for all students who have completed at least two full courses (or equivalent) since beginning their studies:

  • In good standing  - students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 are said to be in good standing.
  • Refused further registration - students, who, at the end of a given session have not achieved a CGPA of at least 2.00 or better are refused further registration in the Certificate Program.

For further information on grades and grade point values, please refer to the .

Contact Information

Audrey Harwood
Academic Administrator
Management, 澳门六合彩开奖接口
(416) 287-7271