
Student Choice Award: Ben Isaacson

Ben Isaacson

“It is critical that our future business leaders be given opportunities to put their skills and knowledge to practice.”

– Ben Isaacson, Managing Director of Equity Research, Scotiabank
Congratulations to Ben, recipient of the Student Choice Award for his contributions as a Management Co-op employer and supervisor in 2021.
A valued partner of ϲʿӿ co-op programs, Ben Isaacson was named the Student Choice Award winner after being nominated by Joey Chan, Co-op Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Candidate 2022, who reported to Ben during her work term as an Equity Research Associate at Scotiabank in Fall 2021.
“Words cannot describe the amount of growth I experienced in all aspects of myself—mentally, physically, and spiritually—during my co-op work term. Ben pushed me to do better and be better,” Joey said.
“Thanks to Ben, I gained a new confidence in myself. I discovered a passion for capital markets. I developed a plethora of skills: everything from being resourceful to managing my time, communication, teamwork, finance-specific technical knowledge, and being adaptable. In fact, my love for this role inspired me to seek future opportunities in research, and I am thrilled to say I will be returning to Scotiabank’s equity research department full time in 2022.”
Ben describes the opportunity to mentor talented students like Joey as highly rewarding, both professionally and personally. 
“It is critical that our future business leaders be given opportunities to put their skills and knowledge to practice, in a structured setting to maximize hard- and soft-skill development. Scotiabank Global Banking & Markets highly values its relationship with the Management Co-op program at UTSC, and is committed to building further on the successful partnership we continue to enjoy,” he said.
Way to go, Ben and Joey!