
Kristina McElheran

Kristina McElheran
Assistant Professor
Telephone number
(416) 287-7408
Building IC 496
Strategic Management

Kristina McElheran joined the University of Toronto in 2014 after six years on faculty at the Harvard Business School. She is fascinated by the changes that information technology fuels in the inner workings of firms and the economy. Trained as an economist, Kristina conducts empirical research on the link between information technology, firm performance, and the organizational and market contexts that enable firms to thrive in the digital age. Her work has been featured in Management Science, American Economic Review, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Forbes, Rotman Magazine, and Communications of the ACM. She is currently looking for new and creative ways to measure how firms use Cloud-based technologies to collect, manage, and leverage data.