
Elizabeth Dhuey

Photo of Elizabeth Dhuey
Telephone number
(416) 208-2687
Building IC 298

Elizabeth Dhuey is a professor of economics at the University of Toronto. Her primary appointment is at the Department of Management at the University of Toronto, Scarborough. She holds her graduate appointment at OISE in the Department of Leadership, Higher, and Adult Education. She is also non-budgetary cross-appointed to the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, the Department of Economics, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, and Rotman School of Management - Economic Analysis and Policy. Additionally, Elizabeth is an adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at McMaster University and a research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany. She received her B.A. (1999) in economics and sociology from the University of Colorado, Boulder and her M.A (2002) and PhD (2007) in economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Professor Dhuey serves as the Chair of the Canadian Women Economists Committee. She is the co-director of FutureSkills research lab and the academic director of the Research Initiative on Education + Skills.