
Note Taking

Note-Taking: Learning How to Learn at U of T – University of Toronto
Learn strategies and tips for taking effective notes in lecture.

What Should I Try First?

During lectures (online or in-person), it can be difficult to know how to capture the important information. The pace and complexity of lectures can make processing information and recording notes additionally challenging. Below you will find many tips to help you with note taking. When reviewing these tips, there are three important considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Be familiar with the material before the lecture -> decreases the demand for information processing
  2. Have a note-taking style that is easy to use -> helps keep notes organized at the moment, gives direction, easier to use for review later
  3. Be aware that you may need to learn to take notes in different ways to suit differing course contents.
I want to improve… Strategies & Resources
Keeping Up With My Notes in Class/Online Lectures Taking Longer to Review
Organizing My Notes so I can Find Information Later On
How to be Better Prepared for Lectures
Taking the Right Notes During Class
Reviewing After a Lecture