

Where Should I Start?

Math is like a language of its own. It is also a topic that is not normally emphasized on television. Think about a news show or video on a popular YouTube channel. You may hear talk about world events, history, geography, medicine, etc. However, there is rarely talk about math. Since math is a very different subject from all others, you should treat it differently. Some students with disabilities affected by working memory and/or sequencing may find math particularly challenging, but learning specific strategies and seeking support from Accessibility Services can provide the needed tools for success. As the courses you take evolve from general information to more specialized topics, the learning strategies you use may likewise need to shift.

I want to improve... Strategies & Resources
Taking Notes in Math
Knowing or Remembering the Next Step When Solving Math Equations
Understanding and Recalling Math Concepts
Understanding How to Solve Word Problems
Remembering Math Facts (e.g. times tables) or Equations
Managing Anxiety During Math Tests
Dr. Paul Nolting - Learning Specialist Math
One reason you study math differently.
How to Take Cornell Notes in a Math Class
Relevant examples start at 1 min 40 sec. Created by Matthew Hill.


Math & Stats Supports at the University of Toronto

University of Toronto Math Resources (Tip sheets, Videos, Online Tools)


Interactive Math Websites