
Exam Preparation & Test Taking

Get ready for tests
Strategies for Online Tests and Exams: Considerations and Responsibilities – University of Toronto
Join us to learn strategies for online tests and exams as a student registered to write with accommodations.

Where do I start?

Preparing for exams can often be overwhelming if you do not feel confident in your understanding of the course material or do not know how to prepare. You may also have multiple courses that require different methods of preparation due to the format of the exam (i.e. multiple choice, short answer, long answer, essay based, problem sets, practical) and due to the content (i.e. English, math, psychology, chemistry).

The learning strategies can offset some of the challenges you encounter with disability related issues. It may take time to learn a strategy before you see its benefits; however, if a particular strategy you are trying does not seem to be working, move on to another strategy that may better meet your needs.

If you have test/exam accommodations, it is essential that you ensure that your exam accommodations are set up.

Ensure that you are aware of the processes for booking a test/exam on the campus where your course takes place - if you are not sure, please ask us!

  • St. George (Downtown Toronto): Visit the
  • UTM (Mississauga): Visit the for instructions and policies.
  • UTSC (Scarborough): You can watch the video for a step by step guide on how to book your accommodated tests and exams. You can also refer to the if you have more questions.


Review the table below to find test and exam strategies.

Focus on learning and implementing 1 strategy at a time.

I want to improve….

Strategies & Resources

Knowing What to Study/Focus on
Knowing How to Study
Remembering What I Studied/recalling information on a test
Finishing Tests Within the Time I Have (including additional time)
Knowing How to Answer Certain Question Types: multiple choice, true & false, and short answer questions
Managing Anxiety During the Test
After the Test/Knowing How to Improve For The Next Test
Writing Online Tests