
Active Reading Strategies

Contained on this page:

What to Try First?


  • SQ4R
  • SQ4R with Assistive Technology
  • QEC Method
  • Morse Code Method
  • Reading Vocabulary List

What to Try First?

When selecting a reading strategy, consult the table below on what skills you would like to enhance. Keep in mind different reading strategies may work better for different types of content (i.e. history vs. chemistry).

The principle behind the reading strategies recommended in this section is to make your reading and note taking process more interactive instead of passive. Passive reading is reading without remembering or thinking critically about the information. Active reading involves reading and reflecting on what you have read and then creating organized summaries that help you understand and remember the information. Some students read aloud to themselves to help increase comprehension.

Other strategies to assist in reading include setting up the physical environment to support your sensory needs (also see Optimize Your Environment), as well as having others around you, either in-person or virtually, reading as well - a practice known as "".

I want to improve Strategies & Resources
My Understanding of the Readings (Knowing the Main Idea and Supporting Information)

My Ability to Focus on my Reading

Readings are a common academic task that many students have difficulty focusing on. Difficulties with focusing on reading can be due to a number of different reasons. Remember that every person has differing abilities when it comes to focusing on the task in front of them. 


My Reading Speed

It is worth noting that we read more quickly as content becomes more familiar to us. Additionally, we often read more quickly when we also have auditory input to spread processing over both visual and auditory systems. So you may want to read outloud yourself, use built in technology to read back to you or use assistive technology, if this is an approved accommodation.

My Understanding/Comprehension of Scholarly Articles/Academic Reading

Academic articles are structured differently than casual reading and assume that the reader understands the discipline's vocabulary and main concepts.

My Understanding of, and Memory for, New Vocabulary
Assistive Technology for Reading: Using Kurzweil Reading Software - Highlighers from Reading to Writing
Highlights how to go from reading text to writing a paper, but can be used to apply reading strategies
Assistive Technology for Reading: Using Kurzweil: Zone Editing
To support accurate reading order, proper recognition of images as images and set silent reading zones through the use of zone editing. This is a more advanced feature that takes time to learn.