
Managing Test Anxiety

Taking Care of Your Health

Writing exams is demanding on your brain and can be very tiring. It is important to take care of all aspects of your health before the test as this will increase your tolerance of stress. This can look like: ensuring you get enough sleep before the exam, integrating regular movement breaks while studying, and eating regularly to sustain your energy.

Coping Ahead

To help prepare for the day you write, it is important to have a few strategies you have already practiced and plan to use in the moment. It may be helpful to make a list of all the things you have already done with respect to learning and studying the material. Planning which strategies you will use during the exam lessens the demand on your brain to make decisions while you are overwhelmed. Practicing these strategies beforehand will also make it easier to use them in moments of stress.

Explore the coping strategies listed below. Anxiety Canada also has an audio guided meditation specifically designed for testing anxiety. The has you practice visualizing your exam going well and can be used as support prior to the exam. Additionally, you can create your own positive affirmations, such as "I have successfully coped with school stress before" to recite to yourself.


Meditation can be very helpful in moments of stress as it can interrupt your body鈥檚 response to stress by slowing your breathing and thoughts. One effective meditation style during stressful experiences involves reciting self-compassionate statements to yourself. This can help during exams when self-criticism may be high. You can find self-compassion meditation exercises on .  

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is another way you can interrupt your body鈥檚 response to stress by intentionally relaxing your muscles. This involves mentally scanning your body and relaxing muscles that you find tense. has a great audio guide that you can use to practice this technique.  

Box Breathing

Box breathing involves intentionally slowing your breathing by ensuring that you breathe in and out for the same duration. This slows your heart rate and can help relax tense muscles. This technique is called box breathing because you can imagine drawing a box with your breath by inhaling, holding, and exhaling for the same duration each time. Take a look at the image below to help visualize this technique. Sometimes it can also be helpful to draw a box to follow along with your breathing. Insight Timer has an you can use to practice this technique.



Resources (Apps & Workshops for Stress Management)


This app will assist you in managing symptoms of panic, and will help you develop skills to challenge fearful thinking. 



This app provides techniques to help manage anxiety, including calming audio sessions, evaluating thinking patterns, identifying triggers and tracking thoughts and improvements. 

Breathing well is powerful. Explore techniques for pausing and recharging.


  • Address stress and muscle tension to support relaxation.
  • Learn the benefits of relaxing and restorative activities for well-being and academics.
  • Activate your body鈥檚 relaxation response.

Recommended (but not required): Attend a Breathe Well workshop prior to a workshop.



This app will review meditation and mindfulness exercises that will help reduce feelings of stress. 


This app provides guided meditations that help to reduce feelings of stress and promote relaxation. 

Instead of hitting the snooze button, it鈥檚 time to hit refresh on your sleep. Feel more rested and improve your sleep through this clinician-led workshop.


  • Feel more rested and refreshed.
  • Discover the benefits of sleep for health, well-being and academics.
  • Discuss factors that can be problematic for sleep.

Recommended (but not required): Attend a workshop prior to a Sleep Well workshop.



This app uses the theory behind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. It teaches users to develop positive sleep routines, and to improve sleep environments. It also reviews strategies proven to improve sleep and reduce symptoms of insomnia.