
Note Taking in Math: 3 Column Notes

3 Column Notes
Note taking strategy for math. Created by Marlene McIntosh.

Column Notes

Column notes is a great way to take notes during class and can also help you learn math concepts by clearly outlining the steps to solving formulas. This can later be used to help remember the steps involved in solving various math problems.


  1. Draw 3 columns on your page or use the 3 Columns Template.
  2. Record equations and each problem step in the 鈥淓xample鈥 column (i.e. cos A = b / c). Try using colour coding for each step to help emphasize the difference between the steps.
  3. Write the theory or principle related to the equation presented (i.e. SOH, CAH, TOA). If this isn鈥檛 clear during class, you can do it after class.
  4. Write an explanation for the equation (i.e. when to use, why, verbally explain each step in example column).
  5. Mark (i.e. star, question mark, exclamation point, heart) concepts that you don鈥檛 understand. Update this as you review and understand concepts better.
  6. Fill in gaps and rework notes within 24 hrs of your class.
  7. Add concepts from the textbook and course readings to your column notes.






24 + 77 梅 7 鈥 2(5 脳 3)


  1. 24 + 77 梅 7 - 2(15)


  1. 16 + 77 梅 7 - 2(15)


  1. 16 + 11 鈥 30



  1. -3



  1. Brackets first 

5 x 3 = 15

  1. Exponents

24 = 16

  1. Division and multiplication 

77 梅 7 = 11
2(15) = 30

  1. Addition and subtractions



Linear algebra column notes example showing breakdown of linear combination, and example of a formula, and the explanation: purpose it is used to add vectors together

Picture showing linear algebra example. First column shows an illustration of linear combination. Second column shows an example of the formula. Third column presents an explanation: Purpose: used to add vectors together. 4 steps are laid out.