
Recreate the Exam Setting: Test Yourself

  • Try to match HOW you study to the format of the exam. This will give you practice using the skills you will need during the exam. If you will write multiple choice tests, then part of your studying should include answering mock multiple choice questions. The same can be said for practising essay writing or problem sets for humanities and math-based courses respectively.
  • When practising the skills you will need for the exam (i.e. essay writing, problem-solving, etc.) you will also want to mimic the setting of the exam. For example, answer practice problems under a similar time constraint as your exam.  
    • Answer Practice Questions. A good source of questions is the Old Exam Repository or questions in your textbook. If you use the Cornell Note-taking Method for your lectures, you can use the questions created there as well.
  • Create Flashcards. You can create these in Excel (see example Worksheet/Template section) or using apps like .
  • For problem-based subjects (i.e. math & sciences), schedule time each week to complete practice problems or homework questions. If you get stuck, review the lecture content, textbook, or online discussion groups for help.