
Why Choose Arts & Science Co-op?

Complete your Undergraduate degree with 8-12 months of paid, full-time work 

Why choose co-op?


Here are Five Reasons to Choose Co-op: 

  1. Hands-on Experience: Co-op programs offer practical work experience related to your field of study. 

  1. Financial Support: Make money! Co-op positions are paid, helping you offset the costs of tuition and living expenses. The university also offers co-op awards, scholarships and grants. 

  1. Career Exploration and Preparation: Co-op work terms allow you to discover what you like and do not like, and immerse yourself in industry, providing real-world insights and opportunities for skills development, making you more competitive to potential co-op or post graduate employers. 

  1. Networking Opportunities: Co-op positions offer a gateway to industry exposure and the chance to amplify your professional network. As a co-op student, you'll connect with peers, tap into the influential UofT alumni network, and engage with prospective employers and industry experts. This network-building experience enhances your marketability for success post-graduation. 

  1. Competitive edge for Your Future: What looks good on the grad school application? Want to enhance your resume? Experience. Graduates with co-op experience often have higher employability and higher salaries thanks to a combination of academic knowledge and practical skills. Co-op experience also strengths on graduate school applications. 

Enrolling in the co-op program is your commitment to your success. It's your choice to step out of the classroom and into the real world, where you'll be putting theory into practice. Choosing a Co-op program is about gaining knowledge and a competitive edge. 


Why Choose Co-op in Arts & Science at UofT Scarborough?
  • An average starting salary that's higher than your non-co-op peers after you graduate. 

  • Extensive job search and workplace preparation before your work term begins, as well as ongoing support while on your work terms. 

  • Access to programming and activities exclusively for co-op students, such as sessions with employers and hiring organizations. 

  • Access to co-op job boards feature work opportunities from organizations looking to hire Arts & Science co-op students from UofT 

  • A competitive edge for grad, law, medical, and other professional schools. 

  • An environment that embraces diversity and fosters a culture of inclusive excellence, where all students can thrive.  

  •  A close-knit co-op community that supports one another throughout your academic journey, offering a sense of belonging and camaraderie. 

Why utsc A&S co-op?


Our Mission: 

Empowering students, employers and community partners to succeed in curricular Work Integrated Learning and Co-op through inclusive, adaptive, and supportive programming and collaborative partnerships. For almost 50 years, the 澳门六合彩开奖接口 has been committed to student success in experiential learning, developing co-op education, programs and opportunities to enrich your BA or BSc experiences with at least two or three but up to five paid work terms in industries related to your academics. Work terms can be four, eight, or 12 months in duration and take place in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), across Canada, or around the world. 

Co-op Work Map
Why choose co-op?