
Determining Your Course Load

Course Load Guidelines

You must be registered as a full-time student during all terms from the time that you begin until graduation, meaning that you need to be enrolled in at least three courses per term or 1.5 FCEs. The recommended full-time course load is 2.5 FCEs per term. That being said, you may require an academic accommodation of a reduced course load. Fewer courses will mean some changes to work term sequencing and degree progress -- no problem! We recommend scheduling an appointment with your Program Advisor or an Academic Advisor to plan your path for success. Please also notify your co-ordinator or the co-op office at askcoop@utoronto.ca so we can adjust your work term sequencing to best suit your situation.

Do co-op courses count towards my course load?

The co-op prep courses are completed in addition to the 20 credits required for your degree. In order to graduate, co-op students complete 20 credits along with at least six co-op preparation courses.