

Student alumni

Share Your Experiences With Current Co-op Students

Upon graduation, many alumni return to participate in events or to hire students. Many also keep in touch to let us know what they are doing and to learn about new developments in co-op.

Participate in our program activities 

Here are some ways that you can continue to be a part of co-op:

  • Become a guest speaker for career awareness presentations
  • Sit in as an interviewer for mock interviews
  • Become a member of our co-op advisory board
  • Participate in networking events
  • Become an employer for co-op placements
  • Become a mentor for our mentorship program

We would love to hear from you!

Let us know what you are currently doing, if you would like to participate in our upcoming activities, or if you would like to receive program updates.

Be sure to include your full name and year of graduation in your message.

Contact: Cynthia Jairam-Persaud
Email: cynthia.jairam@utoronto.ca