
Overview of the Co-op Program

An Overview of Your Co-op Degree

In Arts & Science Co-op, you'll follow either a Specialist program, a Double Major program, or a Major with two minors, leading to a four-year degree. This is comprised of 20 full-credit equivalents (FCEs).

In addition to completing the academic component of your degree, you’ll complete at least four co-op courses and spend 8 to 12 months in jobs – called co-op work terms – that are relevant to your program of study.

For most programs, you’ll follow the same academic program of requirements as your non-co-op peers. However, some programs have specific additional course and timing requirements that are outlined in the .

Co-op Student Agreement & Authorization to Release Personal Information

The Co-op Student Agreement is completed the first time that you log into CSM; this outlines your responsibilities as a co-op student and only needs to be completed once.

The Co-op Student Seeking Agreement needs to be completed each seeking term; it outlines your responsibilities while you're seeking a work term, as well as your responsibilities while you're working. It also authorizes us to provide your resume, cover letter and academic history to co-op employers, and permits us to release previous mid-term evaluations, final evaluations and work term project evaluations to employers, if requested.