
Create Summary Sheets

Create summary sheets for each topic you need to study. The process of creating summary sheets can utilize many powerful learning strategies, including dual coding (using visuals and words) and elaboration (explaining in your own words). Try to create a summary sheet that uses images and words and is organized in a way that makes sense to you. See the Template section below for examples of what this could look like.


Summary Sheet Table

Term Definition Example/Supporting points 
Psychology Scientific study of behavior, thought, and experience  and how they can be affected by physical, mental, social, and environmental factors  

7 types of psychology:  

  • Learning/Behavioral psychology 
  • Child psychology 
  • Psychodynamic psychology 
  • Humanistic psychology 
  • Evolutionary psychology 
  • Biological psychology 
  • Abnormal Psychology 
Scientific Method  A way of learning about the world through collecting observations, developing theories to explain them, and using theories to make predictions 

5 basic steps: 

  • Make an observation 
  • Ask a question 
  • Form a hypothesis 
  • Make a prediction  
  • Test the prediction
Hypothesis A testable prediction that can be observed and measured  Must be testable, can be proved or rejected through experimentation 


Example Summary Sheet Mind Map

map of ideas  - linked to each other like a web


Example Summary Sheet Concept Map

 Concept map for nursing written in a hierarchical order from top to bottom. Main topic is written inside a box with 3 arrows branching below with "involves" written next to each branch. Each branch leas to a another box with a subtopic.


Did you know the MindView software can convert your map to text?

MindView Word Export