
Supervised Study Projects

The Department of Political Science offers two independent study courses that provide students with the option of completing a research or reading project under the supervision of a faculty member within the department.

These two courses are available for students who would like to investigate a topic that is not covered by existing courses offered through the department. To enroll in one of these courses, students must contact a faculty member from UTSC in the department with whom they are interested in working with and request the faculty member鈥檚 availability to supervise a readings or research course. Please note that faculty are not required to supervise independent studies; it really depends on their availability.

To fully enrol in these courses students will need to complete a Supervised Study Form. The form must be completed by the student and their Supervisor for the term. If students would like to complete one of these courses, they must send the completed form to the departmental Program Coordinator before the last day to add a course for the term and the department will send the approval to the Registrar鈥檚 Office.

We recommend that students first identify a topic they are interested in studying, then email a faculty member to request for supervision and they will help guide students through the reading or research on their selected topic. Please note that there is no template for the proposal, a short summary of your intended research and topic (i.e. 1 page) works well. Most independent studies, whether research or reading, involve meeting with the faculty early in the semester to come up with a reading list or research topic, followed by a few meetings throughout the term to discuss your progress, and finally a substantial piece of writing such as a literature review or research paper.

Supervised Study Courses

A research project under the supervision of a member of faculty that will result in the completion of a substantial report or paper acceptable as an undergraduate senior thesis. Students wishing to undertake a supervised research project in the Winter Session must register in during the Fall Session. It is the student's responsibility to find a faculty member who is willing to supervise the project, and the student must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for this course. During the Fall Session the student must prepare a short research proposal, and both the supervising faculty member and the Supervisor of Studies must approve the research proposal prior to the first day of classes for the Winter Session.

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor

Advanced reading in special topics. This course is meant only for those students who, having completed the available basic courses in a particular field of Political Science, wish to pursue further intensive study on a relevant topic of special interest. Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for this course.

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
Exclusion: POL495Y