

See below for quick answers to common questions received from students


There are resources on campus that provide students with support. For example, the Math & Statistics Learning Centre provides free seminars, workshops, virtual tutoring, individual appointments, and small-group consultations. If you would like individual tutoring for the course, and for more information on how you can book a session, please click 

Yes, students may complete a Specialist Program in Political Science and a Minor in Public Law. However, you cannot overlap all of your courses for the Minor with the Specialist Program. 

There are a variety of career opportunities available within the fields of Political Science, Public Policy and Public Law. To help decide which area would be best for you, the  offers individual career counselling to all current students.

First year (A level) courses are open to all students. B, C, and D level courses all have specific prerequisites which must be met prior to the start of the course. The department will remove students that do not meet prerequisites for a course

No, your program of study does not appear on your diploma. It appears on your transcript.

The Public Policy Co-op program provides students with opportunities to apply their classroom knowledge to applicable real world problems with paid employment. This valuable work experience, which will assist in developing your professional growth, can be helpful in finding a permanent position after graduation.

The equivalent of two work terms of four months duration are required.

All students must follow the procedure of transferring outlined within the Admissions Guidelines. It is recommended that you apply well in advance of final deadlines, especially if one of the more popular programs is desired. For more information go to: 

The University of Toronto has partnered with many universities across the globe. If you have a particular university in mind where we do not have an exchange agreement, you are welcome to seek a letter of permission with the Admissions and Student Recruitment Office. For more information, please click .

Class sizes vary and generally get smaller as students progress to third and fourth year courses. Our first year courses generally have over 200 students in a class, while second year courses have an average of 175 students. Third courses may range from 60 to 70 students while our fourth year courses have an upper limit of 25 students.

Statistics is a component of our programs because it provides students with a skillset that covers applications in a wide variety of fields. For example, applications can range from pre-election polling to the design and analysis of experiments and research in a particular area of interest. Knowledge of statistical methods is often also required by  graduate programs and professional schools, as well as for some jobs in the public service and in business organizations. Our department aims to provide our students with a good foundation of skills for further studies and post-undergraduate employment.

We also recognize that many of our students combine our programs with other major or minor programs on campus that also require statistics. For example, statistics is a key a component in the social sciences, sciences, and management studies. Our programs require STAB22H3 or equivalent (ANTC35H3, MGEB11H3/(ECMB11H3), (POLB11H3), PSYB07H3, (SOCB06H3), STAB52H3, STAB57H3, STA220H, STA250H). Many programs at UTSC also allow students to take one statistics course that can count for both of their programs of study, while also allowing them to fulfill the quantitative breadth requirement that all UTSC students are required to complete as a part of their degree requirements.