
Professional Development

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UTSC Professional Development Resources


Get Hired

Get Hired is an interactive, award-winning annual conference offered by the Academic Advising & Career Centre (AA&CC). It is designed to equip upcoming and recent U of T graduates with the necessary strategies, tools, skills and confidence to find and keep work. This three-day conference includes interactive workshops, panel discussions, keynote speakers and networking events. Get Hired usually takes place in late April each year.

For more information about the conference please click here


The ULead conference is a one day conference focused on building and developing key leadership skills while making connections with other campus leaders at the University of Toronto St. George campus and learning about resources on campus to help you and your group succeed throughout the year. It is designed specifically for clubs leaders looking to develop their skills and competencies as student leaders through meaningful participation and active engagement with the conference material.

For more information about the conference please click


CTLB03H3 Introduction to Service Learning

In this experiential learning course, students apply discipline-specific academic concepts as they work with community partners in the service of others. Working either within the academic community or with a discipline-related off-campus community partner, students develop problem-solving, professional communication and self-reflective learning skills.

AACC Peers

AACC Peers: Employment

Meet with an AA&CC Employment Peer to get feedback on your resume and cover letter. Appointments can be booked up to 7 days in advance. If you do not see any available appointments in the upcoming 7 days on

AACC Peers: Grad School 

Meet with an AA&CC Professional and Graduate School Peer Coach to improve your understanding of the graduate school admissions process, or get feedback on your CV, or personal statement on

More information for graduate programs at University of Toronto, visit

AACC Peers: Study Skills 

Book an individual appointment with a study skills peer coach to boost your academic confidence. Learn about study strategies on acing your tests, multiple choice and essay questions, time management, memory and concentration, and reading and note taking on


External Professional Development Resources

Job Resources

Job Skills Organization

Job Skills’ employment service centres are available to all residents to access local community information, employment services and Employment Ontario-funded programs, through online support with one of our employment consultants 

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ACCES Employment can help you with your job search. Through funding from Employment Ontario, our team has the expertise that you need to get started. Employment Ontario at ACCES assists job seekers with securing sustainable employment. We provide resources and information, job search workshops, and employment counselling, as well as job matching, placement, and retention services. We provide assistance and coaching with resumes, cover letters, online applications, connecting with employers, preparing for interviews and much more. Services are tailored to meet the individual employment and training needs of each participant. 

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Community Employment Service

Employment Services through Employment Ontario is a one stop source of information, services and programs for students, job seekers and employers, assisting in helping individuals find sustainable employment.  Our Employment Specialists provide free resources – such as information about who’s hiring within the community — as well as personalized services to help individuals assess their skills and experience, find work and start on the path to skills training. We also help employers hire people with the skills they need.

Please visit  for more information

Employment Ontario 

The Employment Ontario services we provide can help you get training, build skills, and find a job. We offer employment services on behalf of the provincial and federal government and assist job seekers and employers in navigating the various programs and services available

Please visit for more information