
Academic Support

Academic Support: Explore resources on campus that can help you with your academics

Writing at U of T

The University of Toronto provides a number of resources for learning academic writing to assist students with assignments and reports for their classes. Students are encouraged to plan ahead and start early with their coursework and meet with their TAs and course instructors for clarification and questions regarding term work. There Writing Centre at UTSC has developed an online tool to assist students plan ahead with the assignment calculator which can be found

Some general advice for academic writing can be found

Study Skills

Achieving success in your courses requires a good foundation of study skills that includes, but is not limited to, excellent time management, test taking skills and efficient reading of course materials. UTSC has a variety of workshops and counselling provided by the Academic Advising & Career Centre (AA&CC). We encourage students to attend these workshops to help you prepare for your studies here at UTSC.

Please visit the online for a full list of workshops available this term.

UTSC Library

The library at UTSC provides a wide variety of services to students with research assistance either in person, by email, chat service, or by phone. The Library’s network of more than 40 libraries across three campuses gives students access to over 10 million volumes.

The librarian affiliated with the Department of Political Science is Sarah Fedko. Please click for her contact information. We encourage students to connect with Sarah early in the term for assistance with research for assignments and final papers.

UTSC Math & Statistics Support

CTL Math & Statistics provides free seminars, workshops, virtual tutoring, individual appointments, and small-group consultations to improve students’ proficiency in various subjects of mathematics and statistics. Our main goal is to create a friendly, vibrant environment in which all students can come to appreciate the beauty and utility of mathematics.

Please visit UTSC Math & Statistics Support

Academics & Study Skills Workshop

The workshop encourages collaborative learning and represents a holistic approach to academic integrity. We will talk about learning communities and introduce you to academic expectations in a university setting, talk about intellectual property, writing skills, time management and motivation strategies and provide more information on the academic code. Join us for this hands-on workshop, which has been put together by facilitators from a number of UTSC departments.

Please visit Academics & Study Skills Workshop

Study Skills Success Certificate Program

Want to take your time management and study skills to the next level? The Study Skills Success Certificate Program will help you explore strategies such as time management, test preparation and taking effective lecture notes.

Please visit

Academic Integrity Workshops

The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters protects academic integrity at the University. Some examples of offences that are sanctioned under the Code include:

Plagiarism - Using the words or ideas of another person without citing the source

Unauthorized Aids - Using unauthorized aids, which could be considered cheating on tests and exams

Unauthorized Assistance - Having someone else do the work for you

Forgery or falsification - Making a false statement, presenting a false document or signing someone else’s name on a document required by the University.

Personation - Having someone else write an exam for you or writing an exam for someone else

Concocting - Using false data or providing false references

Self- Plagiarism - Submitting work for credit in a course when you have submitted it in another course

Read the Code of Conduct  here


The Learning and Study Strategy Inventory (LASSI) is an inventory that looks at your learning and study practices and attitudes in 10 areas.

Political Science Student Association Mentorship Program

Connecting upper year political science students with lower year political science student for guidance on course selection, academic support and peer advisor.

Please visit , email pssa.utsc@gmail.com

Centre for Teaching and Learning

Provides leadership in educational excellence through supporting and insiring transformative and inclusive teaching and learning at UTSC by engaging with all students individually and through course support and other learning initatives to enhance foundational skills required for course work and beyond. 

Please visit CTL

Facilitated Study Groups 

FSGs are weekly collaborative learning sessions for students who want to improve their understanding of challenging content in selected courses as UTSC. FSG helps with statistics and economic courses needed to complete politcial science and public policy majors at the Department of Political Science.