
Course selection

Course Selection: explore program pathways to help you navigte your studies

At UTSC there are so many opportunities for you to explore! We have developed a tool to help you find these experiences throughout your undergraduate years. Program Pathways are a quick and accessible overview of the many academic and co-curricular opportunities available to help you get the most out of your UTSC experience.

We know the choices can be overwhelming, so we've packaged these opportunities into pathways that cater to your specific major/specialist or unique minor program. Review all the Program Pathways that interest you. Note that some suggestions will be specific to a particular year of a program, while others may apply to any year. By participating in these activities, you are developing important skills, knowledge and experience that you can apply in courses, work and in planning for your future.

When you are ready, you can customize your very own pathway using the Program Pathway template to incorporate suggestions from all the Program Pathways that apply to you, as well as other opportunities that you may encounter.

The links below will take you to the respective program page at the Academic Advising & Career Centre:


If a lecture section is full, you can add yourself to a waitlist if it is available. If you do, ACORN will automatically enrol you in a course if a space becomes available and you are next on the list. You will be responsible for the new course fee, so we recommend that you view your invoice and timetable on ACORN frequently to see if any changes have occurred. A charge applies once you are enrolled in a course; there is no fee to waitlist a course. 

You can waitlist a maximum of 1.0 credit per session, and it will count toward your total course load registration for that session. If you no longer want to take course, be sure to remove yourself from the waitlist. If you re-add yourself to the same waitlisted course, you will be placed at the end of the list. 
Some courses have multiple lecture sections. Do not enrol in one lecture section, and then waitlist for a different lecture section for the same course. Doing so will remove you from the original lecture, and any tutorial or practical.
Department Policy Regarding Waitlists:
Our departmental policy is that we do not override one student over another from a waitlist in order to be fair to all students on the waitlist. Exceptions are only made in extenuating circumstances where a student requires a mandatory core course to graduate in an upcoming convocation session or go on placement for a co-op work term in our Public Policy co-op program.


Prerequisites are courses students must already have passed before taking the described course. If a student registers in a course without meeting its prerequisite and without obtaining a specific waiver, the student may be withdrawn from the course at any time without warning.

Department Policy Regarding Prerequisites:

Our departmental policy that students must meet the prerequisites for courses. Exceptions are made in extenuating circumstances for graduating students where a specific course is required to graduate in the next convocation cycle