
Ryan Hurl

Ryan Hurl
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Telephone number
Building HL 566

Research Interests

  • Comparative Public Law
  • Constitutional Theory
  • Political Development: Canada and the United States

Awards and Grants

  • Andrew Mellon Fellowship, Cornell University, 1997-1998
  • University College Meritorious Service Award
  • J. Michael Keyes Award for Best Essay in "Politics and Mortality", University of Toronto, 1996
  • McGill Graduate Fellowship, 2000


  • "Aboriginal Rights in Canada and the United States: Does Constitutional Language Matter?" @American Political Science Association Meeting, August 2008. Boston, Massachusetts.
  • "Law and Economic Regulation in 19th Century Canada and the United States." @American Political Science Association Meeting, September 2009, Toronto.
  • "The New Deal and the Demise of Judicial Consensus." American Political Science Association Meeting, September 2001. San Francisco, California.
  • "Canadian Federal Courts and the Judicialization of Environmental Policy." Southern Political Science Association Meeting, April 2002 New Orleans, Lousiana.
  • The Limits of Political Jurisprudence. Book manuscript accepted for publication at LFB Scholarly Press, January 2010.

Teaching Interests

  • POLB70H3 Classic Texts in Political Theory I
  • POLC92H3 The American Political Process