
Public Law

Courses in Public Law examine how the legal system, of which the constitutional order and judiciary are integral parts, governs the relationship both among constituent units of the state and between citizens and the state. It also examines the obligations that states have to one another via international law. Courses in the program address the normative foundations of principles of justice and human rights; the role of constitutions and courts in safeguarding the rule of law, protecting civil liberties, and curbing state power; the constraints to state sovereignty posed by international law and international courts; and the implications of the legal order for democratic and legitimate policy-making.

We have nine excellent faculty that teach within this area of focus:

Professor Margaret Kohn
Associate Professor Christopher Cochrane
Assistant Professor Elizabeth Acorn
Assistant Professor Andrew McDougall
Assistant Professor Chadwick Cowie
Assistant Professor Filiz Kahraman
Assistant Professor Nicole Bernhardt
Assistant Robert Schertzer
Assistant Professor Ryan Hurl

Public Law  Law, Justice, and Rights
* Understanding Canadian Politics
* The Canadian Constitution and the Charter of Rights
POLC30H3  Law, Politics and Technology
  The Canadian Judicial System
Politics of International Human Rights
The Politics of Crime
  Law and Politics: Contradictions, Approaches, and Controversies
  Law and Public Policy
  International Law
  Comparative Legal Systems
  Indigenous Politics and Law
  Sources of Power: The Crown, Parliament and the People
  Legal Reasoning
  Mooting Seminar
Law and Global Business
  Advanced Topics in Public Law
  Comparative Law and Social Change
  Public Law and the Canadian Immigration System


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