
The 2023 Political Science Alumni Panel & Award Ceremony

The 2023 Political Science Alumni Panel & Award Ceremony

On Wednesday, September 20th, the Political Science Alumni Panel & Award Ceremony brought together political science professors, alumni, recent graduates, and current undergraduates. This event, jointly hosted by the UTSC Political Science Department and Political Science Students’ Association (PSSA), was a special occasion to honour the achievements of both past and present students.

Distinguished alumni, namely Daniela Spagnuolo, Robert Onley, Patrick Schnurbusch, and Scott Chapman, were guest speakers for an engaging career advice panel. They shared their insights and wisdom in response to students’ questions on various career-related topics. These discussions spanned pivotal moments that had influenced their academic journeys, the valuable skills they acquired through education in political science, and their perspectives on the role of AI in their respective fields. 

The Political Science Department was also delighted to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of students who excelled during the previous academic year. Awards were presented across different categories, such as leadership, scholarly merit, and research.

Thank you to all who attended and helped make the event such a success! 

Photogallery can be found here: /polisci/gallery/2023-political-science-alumni-panel-and-award-ceremony