
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

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There is an urgent societal need for science-based, policy relevant expertise in assessing the impacts of climate change. Career opportunities exist at all levels of government and in the consulting sector. The Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation field is designed to a new generation of climate change scientists, providing a well-defined curriculum ensuring quality training of graduates in this field and, explore and plan for climate change over the next few decades. There are several core courses designed to be heavily experiential that work with practical examples.

Acting Director of Program: Prof. Carl Mitchell

There are three program options (Programs I, II and III) that are designed to allow flexibility for students with different backgrounds. All options draw upon a common pool of core courses.


Climate Change Impacts & Adaptations Program Requirements

 Internship Option

The Internship option is well-suited to anyone who wishes to move into or remain in a professional position upon program completion. A key element in this program is the internship in private industry, government or a non-governmental organization (NGO)

This program requires the completion of:

Research Paper Option 

Each student within this option will choose a Research Supervisor, who in consultation with the Program Director, will select appropriate courses for completion over two terms of instruction. The intensive research necessary for the Research Paper will normally be completed in the final summer semester.

This program requires the completion of: