
EES1136H Climate Change Adaptation

This graduate course will focus on adaptation science and practice at local, provincial, national and international scales. Students will learn about how climate change adaptation is perceived, studied and performed by civil society groups and governments through various theoretical perspectives: resilience theory, neo-liberal theory and critical theory.  Students will also learn about different governance approaches that support adaptation: multi-level, poly-centric, experimental and anticipatory governance arrangements. Using case studies ranging from local adaptation planning in Canada to the IPCC鈥檚 contributions to knowledge synthesis, students will gain a better understanding of the social, economic, political and ethical dilemmas at the core of adaptation science and practice. Combined lecture-seminar format.

Note for CCIA students: In order to fulfill the program requirements, two (2) of the following three (3) courses must be taken: EES1131H Applied ClimatologyEES1134H Climate Change PolicyEES1136H Climate Change Adaptation 

Most current timetable information

Most recent syllabus available for download