
Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at the University of Toronto, Scarborough. We offer a variety of undergraduate programs in chemistry and physics, undergraduate and graduate programs in environmental sciences. We participate fully in our world-recognized tri-campus graduate programs in chemistry, physics and astronomy. Enrolment in the department's undergraduate programs has grown by 30 per cent and the number of students in Master's and PhD programs has doubled over the last five years. We currently have over 1,500 undergraduate and 150 graduate students. Students come here from across Canada and around the world to study environmental/biological chemistry, geoscience, conservation & biodiversity, climate change impact assessment and other programs dedicated to improving our understanding of the Earth's history and its future - its changing climate, and the challenges of sustainability.

Our department takes pride in its research and teaching excellence, as well as in its research facilities and its outstanding and award-winning faculty members. Research activities include laboratory and fieldwork based projects in addition to theoretical and high performance computing focused studies. The Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences has long-standing experience in several thematic areas and our expertise is sought after in geochemistry, hydrogeology, environmental and biological chemistry, and modeling at varying scales from local to global. We are also proud of our new Environmental Science and Chemistry Building (ESCB) which was recently certified as LEED Gold by the Canadian Green Building Council. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and it is a rating system recognized as an international mark of excellence in green buildings. The ESCB has truly state of the art research and teaching laboratories facilities that enable discovery and provide an outstanding platform for the next generation of scientists.

We invite you to browse our website and welcome inquires for further information.