
MSc Program Requirements

Two students working in the UTSC Valley River

Master in Environmental Science

  • Coursework. A minimum of 1.5 full course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

Two mandatory 0.5 FCE courses (EES 1200H Environmental Science Research Experience and EES 1201H Environmental Science: Approaches and Methods in Research) plus a minimum of 0.5 FCEs to provide background for the student's research. Courses selected must be approved by the student's supervisor and the Graduate Chair. In some cases, additional courses may be required if a student's preparedness is assessed as being insufficient.

Students may apply to take a number of graduate-level courses taught by the core faculty, both within the Graduate Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences and outside the Graduate Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences as part of their 0.5 FCEs for the degree. However, all courses for the MSc degree must be approved by the student's supervisor and the Graduate Chair.

  • Thesis. The execution of an original piece of research in environmental science carried out under faculty supervision and presented in thesis form. The program requires the oral examination of the completed thesis to a committee of three faculty members, including the faculty supervisor(s).

Program Length

16 months full-time

Time Limit

3 years full-time