
EES1101Y Research Paper in Environmental Science

The Research Paper (EES1101Y) is designed to provide students with the experience of carrying out fundamental research within a specific area of interest to them within Environmental Science.  The experience allows students to delve into a particular topic of current significance and carry out studies that can contribute to a research paper in a scientific journal, and defend it in an oral presentation.  Although all students in this course will benefit from familiarity with the realities of basic research in this course, it will be particularly useful for those students intending to pursue a higher degree in Environmental Science (i.e. PhD).

The permission of a faculty member who agrees to supervise the project is required. The Program Director and the supervising faculty member must approve a detailed project proposal outlining the objectives and scope of the project. The research will be written up in a research journal format and will be evaluated by a small committee. The course is restricted to those students enrolled in the MEnvSc Program.

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