
New Media Studies: How to Apply


Entry to the program may be gained after the completion of one year of university study (or equivalent qualifications).


Non-UTSC Students (including graduating high school students):

  • Complete the appropriate application for admission. If you are uncertain about which application to use, see the UTSC Admissions website.
  • Your application is processed initially at the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) which then sends your application details to U of T. After you apply, you will receive an acknowledgement of your application from OUAC, and also from U of T directly, that will include an Application Guide with instructions about documents to be submitted directly to U of T.
  • Receive the outcome of your application from U of T directly.
  • New Media Studies is not a direct entry program. If you are applying to first year studies, you will apply for admission to the program after the completion of your first year. Instructions will be given to current UTSC students in March on how to apply for program admission. Request the program through ROSI.
  • If you are transferring from another post-secondary institution, or from another division of U of T, you will normally be given a decision about admission to the program at the point of admission to UTSC. You will need to have taken courses that are eligible for transfer credits that are equivalent to UTSC first year courses required for the program.

Current UTSC students:

  • Students must request the program through ROSI by the appropriate deadline and submit the Supplementary Application Form directly to the program supervisor by the same deadline. Students may be required to attend an interview before the admission decision is made.