
New Media Studies: Course Sequence

Program Requirements:

This program requires the completion of 8.0 credits as indicated below, and:

  1. At least 2.0 credits at the C- or D-level
  2. A minimum grade of 60% is required in the Centennial College courses to pass and maintain standing in the program.
  3. Students who wish to enroll in the Ontario College Certificate program can enroll at Centennial College for a summer semester upon successful completion of Centennial College Group 1 and 2 courses listed below.  For this purpose only, students will have to register for their courses at Centennial College and pay their tuition directly to Centennial College. Tuition and registration is not done through ACORN. Please note that this is the only time you will register at and pay tuition directly to Centennial College.

NOTE: Centennial College courses for this program are taught at the Story Arts Centre campus, located at 951 Carlaw Ave., East York.

Required Courses

First Year

1.0  Credit of Introductory Media Studies Courses

            Introduction to Media Studies

            History of Media 


Second Year

4.5 Credits of New Media Studies Courses

Centennial College Group 1:

         * Digital Fundamentals

         * Introduction to New Media Communications

         * The Language of Design

         * Interface Design, Navigation and Interaction I

[Note: students will be eligible to enoll in Group 2 courses after successfully completing the cluster of Group 1 courses above.]

Centennial College Group 2:

         *Interface Design, Navigation and Interaction II

         * Project Development and Presentation

         *  Application Software for Interactive Media

         *  Sound Design

         *  New Media Design

*A minimum of C- (60%) in these particular courses is required to pass and maintain standing in the program.

Third Year

0.5 Credits in Media Studies Courses at C-level          

 Theory and Practice of New Media

Fourth Year

1.0 Credit of D-level New Media Studies Courses

 New Media Senior Project

Note:  and  are taught at UTSC. All other NME courses are taught at Centennial College Story Arts Centre.