
Postdoctoral Researchers

The Department of Health and Society is an ideal place to launch an academic career with a postdoctoral fellowship. We are a vibrant, interdisciplinary community of academics united by an interest in health, disability, illness, and disease in areas related to the lifecourse and the life cycle, social hierarchies and marginality, migration and health, cultures of health and illness, and the environment and health. We are pleased to welcome postdoctoral fellows who have shown excellence in their doctoral research and demonstrate promise as scholars in an area in which our faculty have expertise.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals interested in pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Health and Society are encouraged to directly contact faculty with whom they would like to work. Postdoctoral fellows must hold a PhD from an accredited institution and have secured funding, from the supervisor鈥檚 grant or research sources, a government or health organization, or a fellowship program.


For more information on funding opportunities, as well as the types of supports and services available to Postdoctoral Fellows at the University of Toronto, please visit the . You can also email the Department of Health and Society Associate Chair at dhs-associate-chair-research@utsc.utoronto.ca.