
Courses by Area of Study

Students during a tutorial

Aging, Development, and the Lifespan

HLTA20H3 - Physiology Through the Life Course: From Birth Through Death

HLTB24H3 - Aging with Agility

HLTB33H3 - Human Development and Anatomy

HLTC22H3 - Health, Aging, and the Life Cycle

HLTD20H3 - Advanced Topics in Sex, Gender, and the Life Course

HLTD26H3 - Embodiment Across the Life Course

HLTD51H3 - Aging and the Arts


Allied Health and Health Education

HLTC17H3 - Rehabilitation Sciences

HLTC81H3 - Health Professions and Practice 

HLTD07H3 - Advanced Rehabilitation Sciences: Disability Studies and Lived Experiences of 'Normalcy'

HLTD18H3 - Dental Sciences

HLTD80H3 - Critical Health Education

HLTD81H3 - Health Professions Education 

HLTD82H3 - Black Community Health: Education and Promotion


Body Systems

HLTA20H3 - Physiology Through the Life Course: From Birth Through Death

HLTB11H3 - Human Nutrition

HLTB20H3 - Contemporary Human Evolution and Variation

HLTB22H3 - Biological Determinants of Health

HLTB33H3 - Human Development and Anatomy

HLTB44H3 - Pathophysiology and Etiology of Disease

HLTC19H3 - Chronic Diseases

HLTC25H3 - Infectious Diseases

HLTC30H3 - Understanding Cancer: From Cells to Communities

HLTD18H3 - Dental Sciences

HLTD44H3 - Environmental Contaminants, Vulnerability and Toxicity


Contemporary Issues in Health 

HLTA91H3 - A Healthy Campus for Students: Prioritizing Mental Health

HLTB30H3 - Current Issues in Health

HLTB60H3 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Disability Studies

HLTC02H3 - Women and Health: Past and Present

HLTC20H3 - Global Disability Studies

HLTC23H3 - Child Health and Development

HLTC46H3 - Globalization, Gender and Health

HLTC49H3 - Indigenous Health

HLTC60H3 - Disability History

HLTD07H3 - Advanced Rehabilitation Sciences: Disability Studies and Lived Experiences of 'Normalcy'

HLTD20H3 - Advanced Topics in Sex, Gender, and the Life Course

HLTD27H3 - Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and Health

HLTD29H3 - Advanced Topics in Inequality, Inequity, and Health

HLTD46H3 - Violence and Health: Critical Perspectives

HLTD47H3 - Advanced Topics in Health and Wellness

HLTD48H3 - Advanced Topics in Global Health

HLTD49H3 - Global Health Governance: Thinking Alongside the World's Leaders

HLTD82H3 - Black Community Health: Education and Promotion


Cultural, Social, and Sociological Perspectives in Health 

HLTB41H3 - Social Determinants of Health

HLTB42H3 - Perspectives of Culture, Illness and Healing

HLTC47H3 - Institutional Ethnography in Action

HLTC49H3 - Indigenous Health

HLTD06H3 - Migration, Medicine, and the Law 

HLTD29H3 - Advanced Topics in Inequality, Inequity, and Health

HLTD46H3 - Violence and Health: Critical Perspectives

HLTD47H3 - Advanced Topics in Health and Wellness

HLTD49H3 - Global Health Governance: Thinking Alongside the World's Leaders

HLTD82H3 - Black Community Health: Education and Promotion


Disability, Ableism, and Health Humanities

HLTB24H3 - Aging with Agility

HLTB50H3 - Introduction to Health Humanities

HLTB60H3 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Disability Studies

HLTC20H3 - Global Disability Studies

HLTC50H3 - The Human-Animal Interface

HLTC52H3 - Special Topics in Health Humanities

HLTC53H3 - Creative Research Practices in Aging

HLTC55H3 - Methods in Arts-Based Health Research

HLTC60H3 - Disability History 

HLTD50H3 - Advanced Topics in Health Humanities

HLTD51H3 - Aging and the Arts

HLTD52H3 - Health Histories

HLTD53H3 - Advanced Topics in Health Humanities

HLTD54H3 - Toronto's Stories of Health and Illness

HLTD56H3 - Health Humanities Workshop: Documentary and Memoir


Disease Patterns

HLTA20H3 - Physiology Through the Life Course: From Birth Through Death

HLTB22H3 - Biological Determinants of Health

HLTB33H3 - Human Development and Anatomy

HLTB44H3 - Pathophysiology and Etiology of Disease

HLTC19H3 - Chronic Diseases

HLTC25H3 - Infectious Diseases

HLTC30H3 - Understanding Cancer: From Cells to Communities

HLTD23H3 - Indigenous Peoples: Pandemics, Epidemics and Outbreaks

HLTD44H3 - Environmental Contaminants, Vulnerability, and Toxicity


Global and Environmental Health

HLTC24H3 - Environment and Health

HLTC26H3 - Global Health and Human Biology

HLTC49H3 - Indigenous Health

HLTD13H3 - Advanced Topics in Global Health and Human Biology

HLTD25H3 - Topics in Environmental Health

HLTD27H3 - Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and Health

HLTD28H3 - Innovations for Global Health

HLTD44H3 - Environmental Contaminants, Vulnerability and Toxicity

HLTD48H3 - Advanced Topics in Global Health

HLTD82H3 - Black Community Health: Education and Promotion


Policy, Healthcare, and Public Health 

HLTB16H3 - Introduction to Public Health

HLTB24H3 - Aging with Agility

HLTB31H3 - Synergies Among Science, Policy, and Action

HLTB40H3 - Health Policy and Health Systems

HLTC42H3 - Emerging Health Issues and Policy Needs

HLTC43H3 - Politics of Canadian Health Policy

HLTC44H3 - Comparative Health Policy Systems

HLTD11H3 - Program and Policy Evaluation

HLTD27H3 - Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and Health

HLTD49H3 - Global Health Governance: Thinking Alongside the World's Leaders


Research Methods and Methodologies

HLTB15H3 - Health Research Methodology

HLTB27H3 - Applied Statistics for Public Health 

HLTC04H3 - Qualitative Research in Action 

HLTC27H3 - Community Health and Epidemiology

HLTC53H3 - Creative Research Practices in Aging

HLTC55H3 - Methods in Arts-Based Health Research


Statistics and Data Sciences

HLTB27H3 - Applied Statistics for Public Health 

HLTC16H3 - Information Systems

HLTC27H3 - Community Health and Epidemiology