
Black Student Excellence Award

smiling black female student

The Department of Health and Society is committed to making special efforts to support the excellence of Black students and challenge structural obstacles to their success.

As such, we are pleased to announce the 2023/24 Department of Health and Society Black Student Excellence Award, which will be awarded to exceptional Black students in a Health and Society program (BA, BSc or Co-op). This year we plan to recognize three students with an award of $200 each.

We are excited to celebrate Black students who are intellectually curious, academically accomplished, and who also provide strong leadership in their communities in a range of ways (e.g. volunteer work, research, arts projects, advocacy, among others). We are interested not only in students with high GPAs, but students who are working to build community, fueled by their academic work and interest in helping others.

To be eligible for this award, the candidate must:

  • Self-identify as a Black undergraduate student in a Health Studies program (BA, BSc or Co-op)
  • Provide evidence of academic excellence
  • Provide evidence of leadership in the community and/or community-building

Availability: Domestic and International students

Deadline to Apply: March 1, 2024

Value: Three awards, each valued at $200.

Academic Year: 2023-2024

How to Apply:

  • Complete the Department of Health and Society Black Student Excellence Award Form, and include:
  • A personal statement detailing your community leadership as well as how this work is fueled by your intellectual curiosity and related to your academic achievements. Your statement should be 1.5-pages maximum, 12-point font size, Times New Roman font style, and double spaced.
  • The name and contact information (email and phone number) of one referee who can attest to the award parameters – specifically your intellectual curiosity, academic achievements, and community leadership. We will reach out to your referee to invite them to submit their letter.
  • A copy of your transcripts (academic history is available for download on ACORN)
  • Email the completed form, which includes your personal statement, your referee’s contact information and academic transcripts, as one PDF document to: dhs-awards.utsc@utoronto.ca
  • No paper application will be accepted.

Notification of decision:

  • All applicants will be informed of the award decisions by email. This is usually within two months after the application deadline.
  • Award recipients will receive an award letter by email from The Department of Health and Society. The award letter will include information on the award payment and should be kept for future reference.

Helpful Hints for your Application

  • Read the instructions carefully. Be sure to put your submission together exactly as outlined in this description.  In the past, submissions have been disqualified because they did not adhere to the instructions!
  • Use proper grammar and proof read your submission for errors.
  • Be sure to cover all topics we are asking for in your personal statement.
  • Submit your application by the deadline – we will not be accepting late submissions.

Click here for the application form!